Red Oak Stair Treads Plus Favorite Sofas
We have red oak stair treads! Yes!!
We were out of town for most of last week – for a funeral and then a wedding. It was a bittersweet week.
It was so good to get home on Sunday afternoon. We immediately went over to the new build to check things out.
I guess I’m a micro-manager because I can hardly stand to be away from the house. After the framing crew forgot to tray the ceiling in the dining room, I’m even more vigilant when it comes to everything building-related.
My husband and I have our routine down pat. Every evening, after the contractors are gone for the day, we visit the new house.
There are lots of times when we have to meet with contractors during the day, but we seldom miss our evening visits.
What’s New – Red Oak Stair Treads & More
The trim guy (he works alone) had installed the red oak treads on the stairs leading to the bonus room before we left. (Below are the bonus room stairs)
While we were gone, he installed them on the main staircase. They are gorgeous!
(All photos were taken with my phone camera because I was lazy yesterday!)
I love everything about the main staircase. I love how open the staircase is and that you can see all the way up to the two-story ceiling.
And, all the materials have arrived for the handrails, etc. Too bad the trim guy started on another house today. Boo! He’ll be back – soon, I hope!
Cement Siding Continues
The siding continues to go up on the exterior of the house. They actually got a lot done while we were gone. And, the bricklayer is supposed to show up today. (Insert praying hands right about now!)
Fireplace Insert Arrived While We Were Away Last Week
The firebox and the gas logs arrived while we were gone last week. It’s all wrapped up in plastic so it was protected from the rain.
We arrived home Sunday afternoon to find everything fireplace-related sitting on a pallet next to our back door.
Things seem to be moving along at a faster pace now. I pray it continues.
Furniture Shopping
I’m thinking about using my current velvet sofas in the bonus room. They are navy and I love them but I’m thinking of going with a lighter color for the great room. Dark sofas tend to show every speck of dust or lint.
Oh, yeah – I’m currently looking for new couches for the great room. A lot of furniture is on backorder so there’s that. I hope to find something that’s not on backorder.
Speaking of sofas, here are some of my favorite couches below. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. You can find my favorite sectional sofas here.
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